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The Path To Objectively Great Coffee

Our passion is to provide the best coffee possible, every time. Our journey is marked by continual learning, experimentation and refinement in order to achieve that goal. Our guiding principle centers around Specialty Grade coffee and best practices for processing, roasting and preparing the beans. The important considerations include: Where should we source our beans, and why? What is the best way to roast the coffee to emphasize the distinctive qualities of the coffees we offer? How should we package it for our customers? And lastly, how should we grind, prepare and serve our coffee in our cafe?

Our research had us sampling coffees from around the world, roasting and preparing in all forms and brewed through every device imaginable. Keeping our focus on the core principles ensures we can provide the most interesting, world-class coffees available and, always, "Stay the Course!"

Our Coffee Offerings Always Start With Specialty Grade Beans

Specialty grade coffeeSpecialty grade coffee beans are the highest grade, and to be classified as Grade 1 Coffee, the beans need to have no primary defects. Grade 1 coffee beans have a distinct attribute in one of the areas of taste, acidity, body, or aroma, and be free of cup faults and taints. These beans also need to have zero of what is referred to as “Quakers” which are unripe or poorly roasted beans allowing for a more consistent roast.

Our Modern Coffee Roast Profiles Are A Lighter "City Roast"

coffee roaster

Roasting coffee beans changes the characteristics of the coffee. The most common roasting types are the light roast, light city roast, full city roast, French roast, and Italian roast.


Roasting coffee beans changes the characteristics of the coffee. The most common roasting types are the light roast, light city roast, full city roast, French roast, and Italian roast.

Most of our coffee is in the realm of the light city roast or full city roast and here's why. It has a medium brown color and is not oily on the surface. This lighter roast has a strikingly richer and sweeter taste. We believe Grade 1, Specialty Coffee should be roasted in a way that skillfully brings out all of its distinctive characteristics.

We've taken the time along with careful consideration to test different roasting profiles on each of our coffee varietals allowing us to formulate the best roast for each of our coffee selections.

Only The Best Will Do - Packaging

Columbian Coffee

Sustaining freshness and quality was key. We knew that our coffee would eventually be distributed to stores, cafes, and businesses, or shipped to the end-users nation- or worldwide.

The design needed to be simple but clear that we were different. Better. At the same time, it needed to exhibit quality within the particulars of the packaging.

A degassing valve was an absolute must. The CO2 a fresh ground coffee omits after the beans are roasted would need to be disbursed. Followed by an exemplary heat seal.

A zipper enclosure would mean a consumer can reuse the product after opening providing an effective seal for prolonged freshness.

A quad seal and flat bottom bag would hold its shape and support heavier fills of coffee.

But Nitrogen flushing was the most critical step in our packaging. A technique for preserving and protecting perishable goods. “Nitrogen Flushing” removes the oxygen from the packaging using nitrogen gas. Unlike oxygen, nitrogen doesn’t react with foods, nor does it affect flavor. However, it is heavier than oxygen and provides a “cushion” for the contents of the packaging during transportation and storage. It’s perfectly safe as well; in fact, around 70% of the air we breathe every day is made up of nitrogen.